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Version: 2.7.2



VRCQuestTools is an Unity editor extension to support uploading VRChat avatars for Android (Meta Quest, PICO).

Android version of VRChat has very strict limitations for avatars compared to PC version. So you can't upload your PC avatars for Android without any modification. You can upload your PC avatars for Android with modifications, but it's very complicated.

VRCQuestTools provides a simple way to convert your PC avatars for Android.

  • You can make your PC avatar uploadable for Android with a few clicks.
  • You can use various tools to manually make your avatar Android compatible.

VRoid Studio avatars use a lot of transparent materials, and they are not supported on Android. VRCQuestTools can't help such avatars, so you need to modify them manually.

Required Environment

  • Unity 2019.4.31f1, 2022.3.6f1 or 2022.3.22f1
  • VRChat SDK - Avatars 3.3.0 or later

Quick Guide


To add VRCQuestTools to your project, follow these steps:

  1. Click the button below to add the repository to VCC.

    Add to VCC
  2. Add VRCQuestTools package to your VCC avatar project.

Convert Avatar for Android

To convert your avatar for Android, follow these steps:

  1. Right-click your avatar in the scene hierarchy.
  2. Select VRCQuestTools > Convert Avatar For Android from the context menu.
  3. Click Begin Converter Settings button in the opened window, then click Convert button.

    You can convert your avatar non-destructively if you are using NDMF-based non-destructive tools such as Modular Avatar. (Reference: Tutorial: Non-Destructive Conversion)

  4. Wait for the conversion to complete.
  5. Select File > Build Settings from the menu bar.
  6. Select Android platform, then click Switch Platform button in the opened window.

    You need to install Android Build Support module to switch to Android platform. (Reference: Tutorial: Set up Environment)

  7. Wait for the platform switching to complete.
  8. Upload the converted avatar.

The original avatar is deactivated after conversion. You can activate it again by using the inspector.


The tool never optimize performance rank. In many cases, the converted avatar would have Very Poor rank for Android.

It's replaced with the fallback avatar or impostors unless using Avatar Display setting (a.k.a. Show Avatar).
