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Version: 2.7.1

Test Converted Avatar

Now your avatar is cross-platform, but it may not be perfect. Let's test.

Test Android Avatars in PC

For complete testing, you need standalone VR device (Quest or PICO). Even if you have devices, it would be hard because you need to go back and forth between PC and standalone VR. In most cases you can test Android avatars in PC because they use limited shaders and components which are fully supported in PC platform.

In VRCSDK3, there is a feature called Local Avatar Testing. It allows you to test avatars in PC without uploading. By using local testing, you can quickly test Android avatars in PC.

Build Offline Avatars

To build offline testing avatars, follow the steps below.

  1. Select File > Build Settings from the menu bar.
  2. Select PC, Mac & Linux Standalone from the platform list.
  3. Click Switch Platform.
  4. Select VRChat SDK > Show Control Panel from the menu bar.
  5. Select Builder tab.
  6. Select an avatar to test.
  7. Click Build & Test.

After building, you can test the avatar in PC.

Test Offline Avatars in VRChat

To use offline testing avatars in VRChat, follow the steps below.

  1. Launch VRChat in PC.
  2. Open the Main Manu and show Avatars tab.
  3. Select Other section.
  4. Change into the avatar, SDK: <Name in the Unity Scene>.

Other Category

Now you can see the converted avatar in VRChat. In general, you need to test below.

  • Facial expressions
  • Gimmicks from FX layer.
  • Transparent/Cutout appearance

If you are testing in desktop mode, see tables below to control avatars by keyboard.

Hand GestureLeft HandRight Hand
IdleLeft Shift + F1Right Shift + F1
FistLeft Shift + F2Right Shift + F2
OpenLeft Shift + F3Right Shift + F3
PointLeft Shift + F4Right Shift + F4
PeaceLeft Shift + F5Right Shift + F5
RockNRollLeft Shift + F6Right Shift + F6
GunLeft Shift + F7Right Shift + F7
Thumbs UpLeft Shift + F8Right Shift + F8
Action MenuR
Crawl/Go ProneZ

Once you have tested your avatar, you should tweak it if necessary.